Friday, February 18, 2011


i have a lot of friends and in that i am blessed....i have to say im pretty lucky in life cos the stars just seem to have aligned and basically got me to where i am today...Content.i went thru a lot of shit ,a lot of shit and im amazed that i managed to pull out of it...i never realised how strong i was until i saw my friends struggle to let go of relationships that they know is just so wrong on just so many levels.when u love for four whole years with all that you are,and when he shatters all the dreams that u had built for the two of you,there is little else that u can hold on to,little that u can cling to ,little that u can grasp at,little that u can make sense of,because u feel as if the life force has been sucked out of you.I dont really recollect a lot of what happened in the next two or three months after we broke up...i saw the world through my tears,i felt the world only through my pain,i spoke out in between my sobs,i breathed in between trying to calm and repair my shattered heart...i felt nothing ,saw nothing,heard nothing , only pain, aching pain,pain that i wanted to be free of but thought i never is hard but not so hard that we cant get through it.....and slowly but surely i did.i began to heal and helping me along was the man who would become my husband,the man that i love more than anything else in the world ,the man who loves me so unselfishly,so unabashedly, so truly...i am truly blessed....but more importantly is the realisation that i am strong...stronger than yesterday....and i just hope my friends would also pull out this strength of theirs and let go ...