Friday, November 19, 2010

badminton....yes ,the game

Badminton is a game and to me it was meant to be a form of exercise...but it has become much more than just a game.Badminton now means an hour of physical and mental release from a facebook- induced comatose has become an hour -the only hour-when i go outside and breathe in fresh god-given air!There is a huge tree in our compound and at exactly 5 pm more than a 100 birds come back to their nests n their little ones after a hard days work and they start chirping all in unison drowning out any kind of meaningful or otherwise conversation that my cousin n i are trying to have.i had forgotten what a birds chirp sounded like because they have all been shot down and eaten back home.But i digress...let me get back to badminton and its therapeutic influence on me..i really do feel lighter even though i may not have lost any weight at all!i perspire and then i drink a lot of water which means i am takin my daily intake of water(which i never would have d one otherwise)...and then its off to the shower after which in all my freshness its back to the world of virtual farming,a topic which i shall touch upon in another blog.!

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